Digestive disorders?
Nothing - including digestive disorders - should come between you and what you love to do. Digestive disorders include bloating, IBS, cramping, indigestion, poor digestion, lactose intolerance, travel related illness, dysbiosis, leaky gut, small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), H pylori and dairy and food allergies. With 1 Trillion CFU beneficial bacteria capability, GutSmart Pro restores microorganisms you were born with. Human Probiotic Isolates are probiotic strains identical to those found in a healthy human gut from birth, unlike other probiotics that contain animal and plant strains. HPI consist of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Bifidobacteria which are high quality & fast colonising probiotic sources, and when consumed in adequate amounts have been shown to aid digestion and re-balance gut flora.

Post antibiotics?
Probiotic Sachets make restoring gut flora after antibiotics simple. Each Sachet is an intensive, super-strength dosage and can be dispersed in water or freshly pressed juice. With 1 Trillion CFU beneficial bacteria capability, *40 times more than a leading probiotic capsule (*25 Billion CFU Capability), each Probiotic Sachet offers the simplest way to effectively replenish gut flora without disturbing the tummy's natural bacterial balance. And with Progurt's trademarked Human Probiotic Isolates HPI, you know you're not adding any animal bacteria into your own microbiome.

Pregnant, just given birth or breastfeeding?
If you’re pregnant, have just given birth or are breastfeeding, GutSmart Family provides you your very own yogurt patch, with enough probiotic yogurt for you and your loved one(s). This super-strength kit offers in excess of 1 Trillion CFU of beneficial probiotic bacteria with every litre; ideal for mothers, babies and children. Safe to be consumed during pregnancy and by your child from 12 months. Before that, your loved one(s) can receive the beneficial probiotic bacteria, naturally through you. With GutSmart Family, your children's health priorities are as close to you as they are.

Lactose or dairy intolerant?
Over 60% of adults world-wide experience lactose intolerance. Symptoms of lactose intolerance can include bloating, nausea, abdominal pain, gas, heartburn, headaches or erratic gut dysfunction. GutSmart Pro is the perfect regimen to replenish beneficial strains of gut flora. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are high quality & fast colonising probiotic sources, and when consumed in adequate amounts have been shown to aid digestion and re-balance gut flora due to gut dysfunctions such as lactose and dairy intolerances. This kit for all gut types, may aid digestion and rebalance inadequate gut-flora while renewing and colonising beneficial bacteria. A unique blend of Human Probiotic Isolates to help re-balance/restore without disturbing the tummy's natural bacterial balance.

Support your immune health?
The gut protects against viruses, provides energy, eliminates waste, contains over 100 trillion microorganisms, houses the same neurotransmitters as found in the brain, produces serotonin, and contains over 80% of the Immune System. We find ourselves dwelling in urban environments concentrated with daily stressors. Our gut is also susceptible to the effects of urban living: stress, pollution, and a poor diet can impair our gut function - which, in effect, causes negative consequences for our immune system. We recommend regular use of a prebiotic and a broad-spectrum probiotic formulation. The Probiotic Sachet contains a high-potency formula of multiple, broad-spectrum strains of Human Probiotic Isolates - HPI™ specifically formulated to aid digestive health, rebalance gut flora, and support immune function. Prebiotic contains three different oligosaccharides that stimulate beneficial Bifidobacteria within the gut, increasing resistance to pathogens. Immuno Protein contains generous doses of multifunctional proteins to actively protect against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. ImmuneSystem Pro has been formulated as the perfect solution to support and elevate immune system function.

Cognitive issues?
Cognitive issues include the loss of intellectual functions such as thinking, remembering, and reasoning of sufficient severity to interfere with daily functioning. People with cognitive dysfunction have trouble with verbal recall, basic arithmetic, and concentration. According to the Marshall Pathogenesis, cognitive dysfunction is caused by microbes. A healthy gut leads to a peaceful and balanced mind. GutSmart Light is the perfect starting point for replenishing bacteria to your microbiome. This kit for all gut types, may aid digestion and rebalance inadequate gut-flora while renewing and colonising beneficial bacteria.

20% to 50% of international travellers develop traveller’s sickness annually. 80% of these cases are caused by bad bacteria. GutSmart Travel is a plane-sized kit that provide you with two business or holiday essentials, for travel-related illness and post-flight hydration. GutSmart Travel offers exceptional restoration with beneficial colonisation; ideal for those internationally abroad. A unique blend of Human Probiotic Isolates effectively re-balance/restore without disturbing the tummy's natural bacterial balance and are brilliant when you need a convenient probiotic source urgently. Don’t let a bad meal ruin your trip. Whether overseas for business or pleasure, always keep this kit close to hand.