Making Probiotic Yogurt
Making and enjoying freshly-made probiotic yogurt using the Incubator.
Select the right milks for making Progurt Probiotic Yogurt in Canada
Although the easiest milk to use is shelf-stable, boxed UHT (Ultra High Temperature) Full Cream Whole Milk, (3.8% MF or higher), most boxed milk in Canada has only 2% MF, which will not make Progurt Yogurt, as the MF content is too low. For Canadians, we have selected a refrigerated UHT 10% grass fed cream, Rolling Meadows brand, as best for making Progurt Yogurt. EASY as 1-2-3!
1) ROLLING MEADOW GRASS FED 10% ½ n ½ Cream is a refrigerated UHT cream, and does not require boiling before making Progurt Yogurt, provided the date is fresh. Although the yogurt can be made at full 10% MF strength, we like to dilute it to approx 8.5% MF, as full strength makes a too thick yogurt, while slightly diluted makes a smooth ‘n creamy classical style delicious Progurt Yogurt.
Preparing Rolling Meadow 10% Grass Fed ½ ‘n ½ Cream for making Progurt Yogurt
- Two (473 ml) bottles of Rolling Meadow 10% ½ n ½ Cream are required to make 1L of Progurt Yogurt
- Open 1 bottle of 10% Rolling Meadow Cream and pour it into the Progurt Incubator insert tub
- Open the 2nd bottle of cream and pour off 150 ml into a measuring cup (for other use), and pour the remainder of that bottle of cream into the insert tub
- Add 150 ml of filtered or spring water and pour into the insert tub with the cream
- Using a whisk, fork, or spoon, stir the cream and water briskly until they are well mixed
Making Progurt Yogurt
Now your 10% cream is ready, simply follow the instructions below:
1) Plug in Progurt Incubator: A red light will illuminate, indicating it is on.
2) Pour in Progurt Sachet: Once approx 1L of properly prepared whole milk or cream has been placed into the inner tub, you can now pour the entire contents of one Progurt Probiotic Sachet into the milk or cream while stirring gently with a long spoon, fork, or softly with a whisk.
3) Mix and Seal: Stir the milk and contents gently but well, and then firmly close the seal-tight lid, checking that all four corners are properly in place (with a firm snap perhaps).
4) Incubate: Put the sealed Incubator Tub into the Incubator housing, and leave for 12-14 hours, sometimes more. Longer incubation means a more tart flavor. Shorter incubation means a little sweeter and also will require a little longer to “set” in refrigerator.
5) Refrigerate and Enjoy: Once the yogurt is solid, unplug the incubator and place the tub of Progurt in the refrigerator to further set and solidify for a few hours or overnight. Enjoy!
Directions for consuming Progurt Yogurt
Consume a minimum of 150-200 ml of freshly-made Progurt Probiotic Yogurt per day. More is fine. Also, you can add Progurt Prebiotic Syrup (it’s prebiotic food for the friendly bacteria) and fresh organic fruit or berries, if you like. Or, make simple organic fruit smoothies or spiced chip & veggie dips. Replace the usual bovine yogurts, sour creams and dips, with simple healthy human-friendly Progurt yogurt.
Additional Milk Options >
Here are 3 additional milk options for use in making Progurt Yogurt, and instructions for preparing each type of milk for making Progurt Yogurt
1) Lakspray Full Cream Whole Milk Powder (from NZ farms) is available in some Indian and East Asian Markets, is easy to use and does not require boiling. The milk powder must be reconstituted with filtered or spring water before pouring it into the incubator tub: place 250 ml of Lakspray Whole Milk Powder into a bowl. Add 1L of room temperature filtered or spring water (not warmer than 110F) while stirring with a whisk or fork until the milk is smooth and creamy. Then pour the reconstituted milk into the inner tub of the Progurt Incubator, filling to just under the curved lip of the tub.
*Now simply follow the Instructions for making Progurt Yogurt
2) Fresh Full Fat Whole Milk (3.8% MF) whether organic, non-organic, or grass fed, fresh whole milks are available in the refrigerator section of grocery stores. All fresh milk requires a light boil (scalding) for a few minutes before making Progurt Yogurt in order to kill off any competing bacteria found in fresh pasteurized milk. After light scalding for 5-10 mins let the milk cool to 110F or lower before pouring it into the inner tub of the Progurt Incubator, filling to just under the curved lip of the tub.
*Now simply follow the Instructions for making Progurt Yogurt
3) Grand Pre 3.25% UHT boxed Milk - available in Quebec. The milk fat is a little low and the milk is not organic, but it can still be used for making Progurt Yogurt, though due to the lower MF it requires a longer incubation time, around 16 hrs. Take a carton of Grand Pre 3.25% UHT boxed milk, let it come to room temp, shake up the milk in the carton well, open the carton and pour the milk into the inner tub of the Progurt Incubator, filling to just under the curved lip of the tub.
*Now simply follow the Instructions for making Progurt Yogurt
Rolling Meadow Store Locator >
Hygiene Tips
Always make Probiotic Yogurt with clean hands. Please ensure Incubator Tub is clean and dry before you begin making Probiotic Yogurt. Please Note: Progurt Probiotic Yogurt cannot be made using already-made Probiotic Yogurt as a starter culture. The special strains of bacteria contained in the Probiotic Yogurt are indigenous to the human gastro-intestinal tract and will not replicate.
Why UHT/Ultra Pasteurized and/or other forms of Sterile Milk?
The milk must be sterile as all the bovine bacteria that naturally reside within the milk from the cow must be eliminated so that the beneficial Human Probiotic Isolates can freely replicate and ferment without clashing. UHT/Ultra Pasteurized Milk is simply a sterile medium. The probiotic formulation has been designed to replicate in a sterile environment. It is necessary to have specific fats, proteins etc., that are generally found only in full cream cows milk.
Various Milk Types that can be used to make Progurt Yogurt:
UHT aseptic boxed Whole Milk (3.8% milk fat or higher) - If available, is the easiest milk to use as it does not require boiling or reconstituting. Simply add 1L directly to the incubator tub, and follow usual directions above.
Grass Fed Refrigerated UHT Cream (10% MF) does not require boiling before use. However, diluting it a little with filtered or spring water is preferable for the most pleasing consistency and taste.
Fresh Whole Dairy Milk (3.8% MF or higher) organic or non-organic, grass fed or regular – these all require boiling before use in making Progurt yogurt.
Full Cream Whole Powdered Milk organic, grass fed or regular - requires reconstituting with filtered or spring water.
Fresh Raw Cow’s Milk: must be lightly boiled for a few minutes, and then cooled to room temperature before use in making Progurt Probiotic Yogurt.
Non-Dairy Milks: the only non-dairy vegan friendly alternative milks that can be successful are Soy Milk and Coconut Cream. Generally, nut milks will not work well as the beneficial probiotic bacteria will not replicate and ferment within them, as the fats and amount of fats are very different to those found in Whole Cow’s Milk.